Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Scholastic

Today in your child's folder you will see *FOUR* Scholastic catalogs. I know many of you give books for the winter holidays as gifts. Scholastic does sell books on our students' levels at a reasonable cost. If any of the books you are purchasing this month are presents, please send me a note naming those books. I will send home these books in a sealed, "surprise" bag at the very end of the day so that students do not see them. :o) Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns.

I look forward to helping you with your holiday shopping!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Thanks for stopping by our class blog! This website is something I can access from school, so please check the blog often for updates!

This week in school we will continue to talk about our bodies! We learned about bones last week, and this week we are diving into organs! Did you know our skin is the biggest organ in our body?

During Writer's Workshop, we are writing Small Moment stories. These are stories that focus on one tiny moment from a large idea (ex. Big Moment-School Trip; Small Moment-watching the video in the Little Theatre). This will help us to become better writers, making our stories more exciting! We will look to some of our favorite authors for guidance!

In Reader's Workshop we are beginning Unit 2. This unit will help us learn strategies to decode words. We are reading detectives! We will also identify story elements. Be sure to point out author, illustrator, characters, setting, etc. when you are reading at home!