Monday, December 20, 2010

This week

Reminders & Classroom Happenings this Week

* Tomorrow our class will be having a Polar Express Party! After reading this story numerous times and discussing all of the themes, we will be celebrating this fantastic book. If you have read the story, you know the children came upon the train in their pajamas-so our friends will too! J Tomorrow, 12/21, please send your child in their pajamas! They must wear sneakers to/from school (and in gym class) but they can wear slippers in class if you send them in!

* Our class holiday party is on Thursday, 12/23. Please remember to send in your wrapped children’s book for our class book swap! Books can be sent in any time this week before the party.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What's New this Week

The holidays are approaching-and that's very clear in our classroom! The students have been hard at work to learn about all the holidays in December. They love to learn about what people do to celebrate all over the world!

In Reader's Workshop, we are beginning to look closely at stories. We will be discussing the element of character this week. To help us, we will be reading stories about a famous character-The Gingerbread man! We will be comparing the character in different versions of the story, and even meet The Gingerbread Girl!

We will continue to work on the Bonus Letter Rule in FUNdations. Remember that a word gets a bonus letter has 1 syllable & it ends in f, l, or s!

There will be no homework next week. Don't forget your child's book for the book swap at our holiday party! :o)

Enjoy the holidays with your families and have a *fantastic* winter break! See you in 2011! :o)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our class will be visiting the Holiday Boutique tomorrow, Wednesday. Make sure to send in some shopping money if wanted!

Monday, December 6, 2010


The class Holiday Party will be held on December 23rd in the morning. Mrs. Belardino will be sending out a letter asking for food donations and notifying parents that will be chaperones. Look in your child's folder today for more holiday information! :o)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

:) December is here! :)

Hello Friends!

December is here! This is a very busy and fun month in Room 110. We will discuss winter traditions around the world, including Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa and Christmas. If your family has a unique way of celebrating and you would like to share it with the class, email me to set something up. :o)

We will begin Unit 4 in FUNdations. This teaches us the bonus letter rule and the glued sound -all. We will search for examples of these in texts, spell words including these rules and have fun doing it!

I want to thank everyone for being so great and understanding while I was out this week. I appreciate your kind words and patience with the HW fiasco. You are all the best!